Ambrosia is a work in progress graphic novel series. The series is a personal project that will encapsulate all of the characters and themes I have wished to see in media, as well as shedding light on current issues like classism and climate change in an easily digestible way.
It mixes these themes with science fiction elements which allows me to play with the visual aspects of the story. This lets me create more alien, extraordinary structures and environments that will be presented in later installments in the series.
It’s very much a story about growth, flaws, and loss, with a regular dash of monster mutation!
1. This piece is called Confrontation. It’s something I created to emphasize the physical power imbalance between Violet and the monster Cyprus. Not to mention the extremely stoic demeanor of this character.
2. These three pieces are height charts created to help keep track of relative character sizes for when I draw them in the series.
3. The two rooms are isometric views of Violet and Cerise’s bedrooms. They were created as a reference to come back to while drawing the rooms in the comic.
4. The three pages of sketches were created before the actual pages were lined and inked. I (usually) make nine per page so that I can easily compare pages to one another and direct the flow on a larger scale - as well as it saving more storage space on my program.
5. These are monster designs I created as I needed to think of some interesting characters for Violet to interact with later in the story. Four of them are pirates and one of them is a pilot!
6. These three gradient pieces are early concept art. The two gray ones on the bottom are examples of terrain and visual storytelling. The more colorful one highlights Violet’s size in this monster world as well as the bustling market environment.